
Numeric, string and attribute helper functions can be used to help manipulate data within the Logic Template.

Numeric Functions




Compare two or more values and return the smallest of them.


Compare two or more values and return the largest of them.


Return the first in a list values that is non-zero.

String Functions




Compare two string for equality ( Case sensitive ).


Compare two strings for equality ( Not case sensitive ).


Returns the number of characters in a text string.


Compare two strings. Same as in C programming language ( Case sensitive ).


Compare two strings. Same as in C programming language ( Not case sensitive ).


Find if and where string_2 is contained within string_1 ( Case sensitive ).


Find if and where string_2 is contained within string_1 ( Not case sensitive ).


Find the last occurence of string_2 within string_1 ( Case sensitive ).


Find the last occurence of string_2 within string_1 ( Not case sensitive ).


Extract a string from within another string.


Combines two or more text strings into a single text string.


Returns a copy of the text string passed as an argument, with the first letter in each word capitalized.


Returns a copy of the text string passed as an argument, with all characters coverted to lower case.


Returns a copy of the text string passed as an argument, with all characters coverted to upper case.

Attribute Function




Display categories going forward in time by base time.