Special Processing Information

Special Processing Information is used to perform interpretation or post processing on data retrieved from the Data Source File. A number of special processing options are available.

Special processing arguments can be used with both data fields and temporary fields. The following describes the forms of special processing available.



Extract Bits

Used to extract a specific bit or bits while processing attribute data.

Extract Mask

Used to extract an attribute selection mask while processing attribute data.

Extract Date

Used to extract a date from any of a number of recognized formats and convert it to an internal representation.

Extract Time

Used to extract a time-of-day from any of a number of recognized formats and convert it to an internal representation.

Extract Date-Time

Used to extract a date and time-of-day from any of a number of recognized formats and convert it to an internal representation.

Process Latitude

Used to extract latitude from one of two recognized input formats and convert it to a fixed-point value mapped to a worldwide grid system.

Process Longitude

Used to extract longitude from one of two recognized input formats and convert it to a fixed-point value mapped to a worldwide grid system.

Process Currency

Used to extract currency values and store as signed fixed-point values.

Strip Markup

Used to force the loader to remove HTML tags while processing strings or text.

Retain Markup

Used to force the loader to retain HTML tags while processing strings or text.